Tals doll crpines

So one day I was at a store and I was looking around for games. I looked and I saw a copy of Sonic 3D Blast, but when I blinked it became a copy of Sonic R. I still don't know why I thought it was Sonic 3D. But then I took it to the counter to buy it and he said,  you can have it for free, Everybody that bought it is gone. So i took it home and put it in my Saturn
because everybody has a Saturn. so i started up and played and there was a 100 percent complete game so I delete it and I play 100 percent again but for some reason when i get all coins on Radical City there is no Tails Doll but I don't care. so when i beat game and I invite over my friend, so we play tag team, just me i was only one in the room. And for some reason I play with tails doll even though I don't have. and also there is only 3 to tag, so I tag all chars and then suddenly Super Sonic appears on side so i tag him. and then suddenly all the power went out. and then the TV turns on and there is a picture of tails doll with jelly all over. actually i think it was not jelly was blood. Then it comes out and says you done goofed it. So then I run outside into alley but then I think wait there are no alleys by my house. Then suddenly Tails Doll appears at other end and I do epic parkour out of alley and back into my house. then I block all the windows lock and cover all the doors and then i run into my room and cover my room windows but then suddenly the Tails Doll come out of the TV and
then stab me. Then I died. The next day the police came and found mike and then he was found wit a Tails plushie and it had a gem attached to it